When you are reading this on the headline what do you think a president should feel when she is being battered heavily with critisms of evil, corrupt, and all the bad words you could throw on her with in the media , the streets , offices and factories in the cities and even the provinces. Just what the media said , she's not affected (its what they want to portray the image of the President) a strong one. The president was not and is not bothered with the exposition of Jun Lozada, the rallies, the noise barrages after the testimonies , And the last Interfaith rally which draw out a crowd of around 80,000 people shouting GLORIA RESIGN. And even in the blogsphere a blogswarm also condemn her but she was not affected.
Contrary , there was some videos and news in the early morning of February 29 , the day of the Interfaith rally that , she was with a group of priest numbering around ten to fifteen all imported from her native provinces . In the video she was in the center and the priest are all over her and having a pray over . Praying is what there doing , praying for her to overcome the crisis she is facing now with her administration.
But does it not look over , over dramatic a big number of priest all for her alone , a special one , for me it looks like its an "exorcism"because the people are calling him evil and the priest are taking it out the evil within the president..What do you think??
Also after the "pray over" the president went to Camp Crame and whats the news , she just drop bye . But the premises was restricted and heavily guarded and no media was permitted to enter . Maybe they are meeting , of course they are meeting and what the media also gathered, they are talking about about the floods in Bicol. A meeting about the floods..?? and no media allowed with all the restrictions ..what the heck..all excuses.
And what about the preparations on the entrances to Malacanang the seat of power of government in Manila. The front and sides of the Malacanang Office was covered with big container vans, it looks like the pier was transferred in Malacanang. Is this not being affected ? And mind you , Malacanang press said it was just a routine securiy. The entrance to Manila from the North and the South was filled with soldiers and police to guard against ralliest, though they say they are just looking for guns because they have an intelligence report that there was a plot to assasinate the president , another stereo type gimmick .
They are trying to cover up everything, pretend its just an ordinary day for the president and the woman president shown being a pious person with photos kneeling with rosary, but there' s a majority of priest and bishops also praying? the anti- Arroyo priest , bishops , nuns and religious groups . Whom do you think WILL HAVE THE MERCY FROM THE LORD ? . Is it the President or the prayer of the People , 80,000 shouting for her to RESIGN.
The Inter faith rally had been successful and peaceful. The people have voice out the sentiments they felt with the aborted abduction of Jun Lozada and the " mother of all corruption testimonies ". The inter faith rally has been proven , a line has been drawn against the perpetrators of corruption and the people. Though the president was not oust , the over all rally for seeking the truth has achieve success in drawing out a huge number of people in raising a loud voice for GMA to hear . What will happen sooner, a thousand more ? if not a million? until she resigns her post or a another coup that will surely unseat her . She should not wait more for that time , she should resign immediately .... GLORIA RESIGN ,, Mabuhay to All Filipinos..