Example: Result of Stomper Net Seer Adwords Analysis
So here , the analysis is that Flipantasticweb is a blog, naturally classified under miscellaneous.
So this is a great way to determine and make changes to compliment what Google thinks of your site. It is also a significant way to test our competitors site and see what Google thinks it is all about. This is also important to determine what categories or silos should our website should focus on. And it is the easy way of saying , how you can organize the content of site. It is also easy for the visitors to navigate and also for Google to understand or group site for themes and content. So the power of looking at Googles eyes and heart of knowing what our site is all about is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. You must not skip this part because this is the way Google is analyzing and RANKING your site. So if you really want to know your site have it evaluated..