Monday, February 21, 2011

On Valentine I Express it With Video Songs

The end of February is ending and i would not like to finished this month without showing to the world my opinion about Valentines Day.  For me Valentine is not only for one day , i believe everyday should be Valentines Day.  If  we will trace the origin of  Valentine , there were different stories on how it evolve . But what is important is that in its history , Valentines origin is giving importance on the  expressions of  ones feeling for  your love one.  So for this day , Valentines Day I express my feeling to my love with my favorite filipino loved songs.  For you my love , rosana , here is my video love songs expecially for you.

I hope to greet everybody a valentines day not only for February 14..but everyday should be Valentines Day.  Express what you feel , show it  do it with a loved song.